My Name’s Audrey!

It’s Nice To Meet You

Tell Me More


Things I focus on

ML Tooling for
Film Production

The film industry is constantly pushing the boundaries of audiovisual storytelling, and deals with staggering amounts of data on a daily basis. With thoughtful design and scalable architecture, we can build sustainable infrastructure for creatives and operators at all points of the film production pipeline.

Artist-controlled deployments

Artists and other creatives are rightfully concerned about the rise of AI in their industries and workflows. As a Machine Learning Engineer who’s also an artist myself, I’m interested in pushing the boundaries of what artists can do, without crossing our own boundaries. Let’s build something together!

Ethical AI

What makes specific AI applications ‘ethical?’ There are countless answers to this question, ranging from groundbreaking to regressive. As a researcher and engineer with almost a decade of experience in the space, I assert that sometimes the best solution doesn’t use AI at all. I believe we can identify those cases to preserve human dignity while driving innovation.

Public Portfolio

Projects I’ve publicly worked on:


Neural Net Dev Tool


Neural Network Sonification


AWS S3 Utilities


Python interface for TensorBoard logs

Vimwiki Link Network

Ontology Visualizer


Easier than MatPlotLib

Coalition for Critical Technology

Critical praxis in academia and industry


What brought me here

  • 2010-2012

    Mostly Music

    After graduating high school, I followed my dream of playing music, supporting myself by working at a bicyle shop. I had the opportunity to tour with my band, which introduced me to the west coast and proved to me that touring life wasn’t for me. I attended community college on and off, being unsure of what I wanted to do.

  • 2013-2014

    City Colleges of Chicago

    Working in bike shops for years sparked my interest in figuring out how things fit together. I started taking prerequisites for engineering school. While learning electricity and magnetism in physics class, I found a knack for math and awe at the magic of electronics.

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    Seattle University

    I transferred to Seattle University to earn a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering. There, I discovered academic research and the fields of machine learning and computer vision.

  • 2017-2020

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    I graduated with a Master’s in Computer Science at Rensselaer, where I applied computer vision and machine learning to aid conservation biologists in conducting photographic wildlife censusing. At RPI, I discovered a strict mathematical relationship between human effort and label accuracy for computer-assisted data labeling efforts.

  • 2020-Present

    Disney's StudioLAB

    The StudioLAB is part of The Walt Disney Studios’ Research & Innovation wing. As a Senior Machine Learning Engineer, I focus on building innovative and scalable tooling for pilot deployment at all stages of the film and episodic production & distribution pipeline.

  • Excited
    for What's

It Me

I’m queer and transfeminine and my pronouns are they/them/theirs or she/her/hers. I like to rock climb, run, sew, and block print.

I spend a lot of my free time doing organizing and mobilizing work in my community. Over the past several years, I’ve been deeply invested in building robust support systems for queer, disabled, and poor folks and POC on high school and college campuses, specifically around policing, surveillance, and punishment.

If you’ve got questions about how to navigate interdisciplinary STEM research as a (gender)queer person, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

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